Thursday, April 10, 2014

Homemade Taco Seasoning

Today's recipe is a super simple taco seasoning recipe.  I love this mix and make it in big batches.  I also use the taco seasoning in a lot of my recipes like my Quinoa Taco Meat. I buy my spices in bulk from my local co-op so they are always organic and then my taco seasoning doesn't have any of the weird stuff in that a normal taco seasoning packet would have in it.  I would share all the scary details of what is in that taco seasoning packet you buy from the store, but I wouldn't want to scare you or guilt you into making your own.  I'll just leave it at this read your ingredients - if you don't recognize an ingredient it probably doesn't belong in your body - enough said - I'm off my soap box now!

Here is the recipe and this is my bulk recipe so cut it down if you don't want to make a mason jars worth of taco seasoning!

-1 cup chili powder
-1/2 cup onion powder
- 1/4 cup cumin
- 1/4 cup garlic salt
-1/4 cup paprika

Mix it all together and store in an air tight container.  Thats it!  Isn't that simple!

Another one of my favorite ways to use this Taco Seasonings is to make a salad dressing with it.  Mix 6 T of olive oil 4 T of balsamic vinegar and 2 T of the Taco Seasoning together.  I use this on my taco salad. I'll post a recipe for my taco salad soon!

Hope you enjoy the seasoning!  What yummy creative things do you do with your homemade taco seasonings?

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