Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jet Dry in your dishwasher?!?

Jet Dry that little magic blue bottle you put in your dishwasher that somehow makes everything in your dishwasher better.  Well, I have discovered something new and my Jet Dry balloon has popped!

Can't remember where I read it (probably pinterest, isn't that where all great ideas come from!) the post talked all about how you can replace Jet Dry in your dishwasher with White Vinegar.  This makes sense since you can soak glasses in vinegar to get water spots off - it would naturally only makes sense to use vinegar in your Jet Dry spot.  And when I started digging into what Jet Dry was made of I was slightly disturbed it's acid and isn't good for you at all (no surprise there - all cleaning products are full of things that slowly make us sick!)

I was very excited by this discovery and so I not so patiently waited for my blue jet dry to run out in the dishwasher. . . and finally it did.

I've had vinegar in my jet dry spot for a couple of months now and guess what?!?  It works BETTER than jet dry!  No spots are ever found on my glasses and I'm not paying for Jet Dry, vinegar is way cheaper than that blue little bottle and I'm chemical free in my dishwasher now. (I'll post my dishwasher soap recipe soon!)  I also added 2 drops of Young Living Essential Oil to keep the smell of vinegar off my dishes.  It works great!

Vinegar I have loved you in my cleaning products for a long time - but this new Jet Dry discovery has made my heart swoon for you even more.
Fall in love with vinegar too!  Try it and let me know what you think!

Questions?  Feel free to email me at!

Want to know more about Young Living Essential Oils?  I'd love to share with you how Young Living Essential Oils have changed my health and can change yours too!  Follow my blog and email me for more information!

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