Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Homeschool Room Open House Day 4

Hi Friends,
Forgive me, this post should have happened last week and I can give you a million reasons why it didn't, but I won't bother - I'll just say sorry!  

Here are a few more  areas in our homeschool room!  First, meet our class pet, Spike:

Spike is actually my sons tortoise, but we've all adopted him as the class pet!  And yes, since our room is patriotic and in my grandma's wealth of bulletin board pictures she just happened to have a huge picture of the white house I decided to decorate Spike's tank too!  I know this is silly, but my kids think it is hysterical - so Spike gets his tank decorated pretty often (he's sat with the pilgrims at thanksgiving and he does get a Christmas tree at Christmas!)  What tortoise wouldn't want the White House lawn as the background of their tank?!?

Next, I have to show you my newest addition to my homeschool room this year and without a doubt my favorite organization piece I've ever had in the room!

Thank you Ikea!  These buckets were all of $1.99 each and the rod they hang on was $2.99.  I added the Chalkboard labels, because I love labels (I have a problem, I know!)  These buckets just hook right over the curtain rod so you can take them down to put at the homeschool table when someone needs them, but I can stick them back on the wall when I want them out of the way!  Here is the big picture so you can see the wall.  

I bought 2 sets and the buckets hold the following items:
  • scissors
  • glue sticks
  • pencils
  • tape
  • crayons
  • markers (skinny and fat)
  • white board markers
I had my darling husband mount them for me right under my whiteboards.  Side note on my whiteboards: originally I looked into buying one large whiteboard, but holy cow those are a couple hundred dollars so that plan was scratched really quick!  

I found these whiteboards last year at Costco for $15 and instead bought 4 of them and again my husband mounted them up on the wall for me all right next to each other.  I LOVE having the separate whiteboards because it divides up subjects while we are working throughout the day.  I'm so glad I didn't spend big money on one big white board!  

Here is my Art Bulletin board:

We did a unit study on Van Gogh and did this Sunflower Art Project through See the Light.  It's a 4 part DVD with step by step instructions.  This was such a fun project to do with the kids.  Click Here to check out their website, LOVE them!

Alright that is all for today, I still have at least one day, maybe 2 more days of fun stuff to show you in the homeschool room.  Hope you enjoyed today!  Questions/comments feel free to email vintageburlapbarn@yahoo.com
In His Service,

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